Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs packaging featuring three high-fidelity music filters (16dB, 19dB, 22dB) for musicians and DJs.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs set with cleaning spray, carrying case, three filter sets (16dB, 19dB, 22dB), spare earplug, and cord.
Close-up of Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs with high-fidelity noise filters, designed for musicians, DJs, and sound professionals.
Close-up of Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplug filter with high-protection gold filter (SNR 22dB), designed for musicians and DJs.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplug worn in-ear, showcasing secure fit and high-protection gold filter for musicians and DJs.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs infographic highlighting optimal protection, comfortable fit, easy insertion, and award-winning design.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs infographic showing three protection levels (strong, medium, low) for concerts, band practice, and bars.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs infographic highlighting AlpineAcousticFilters™ for clear, high-fidelity sound while protecting musicians' hearing.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs infographic highlighting AlpineThermoShape™ material for ultra-soft, skin-friendly, and long-wear comfort.
Demonstration of how to insert and store Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs, featuring a carrying case for easy storage and protection.

Alpine MusicSafe Pro 耳塞


Regular priceRM193.10
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Alpine MusicSafe Pro 宣传横幅,展示舞台演奏的音乐人,强调三种可调节滤芯提供个性化听力保护。Alpine MusicSafe Pro 信息图,展示可更换音乐滤芯,提供可调节降噪、安全听力保护及可重复使用功能。Alpine MusicSafe Pro 信息图,突出 AlpineThermoShape 材质,提供超柔软、低过敏、无硅及易清洁的舒适体验。

Alpine MusicSafe Pro 音乐耳塞 – 专业级听力保护,乐手必备


作为音乐人、DJ 或音响工程师,长时间暴露在高分贝环境中可能会导致不可逆的听力损伤,影响您的职业生涯和音乐热情。Alpine MusicSafe Pro 耳塞专为音乐专业人士设计,在提供卓越保护的同时,确保音乐的清晰度,让您安心排练、演出和享受音乐。


配备三组可更换滤芯(16 dB、19 dB、22 dB),您可根据环境自由选择降噪等级。在录音棚、现场演出或派对中,MusicSafe Pro 能有效减少有害噪音,同时保持音质的清晰度和平衡感。


采用 Alpine 专利热塑材料,无硅柔软设计,耳塞能贴合耳道,提供稳定舒适的佩戴感。即使长时间使用,也不会引起过敏、瘙痒或压力感,确保您专注于音乐创作和演出。

可清洗,耐用 100 次重复使用

MusicSafe Pro 可反复使用超过 100 次,清洁方便,只需温水和肥皂或配套的 Alpine 清洁喷雾,即可延长使用寿命,保持最佳防护效果。



  • 1 对 MusicSafe 耳塞 + 1 备用耳塞
  • 3 组滤芯(16 dB、19 dB、22 dB)
  • 1 条挂绳,防止遗失
  • 1 个便携收纳盒
  • 1 瓶清洁喷雾


通过 ANSI & CE 认证,MusicSafe Pro 符合国际标准,为您的听力提供专业级保护。

保护听力,享受音乐,Alpine MusicSafe Pro 是全球音乐人的信赖之选!

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