Alpine SwimSafe earplugs packaging highlighting water filters and soft fit for swimming ear protection, 100x reusable.
Close-up of Alpine SwimSafe earplugs showcasing soft, ergonomic design with water filters for swimming protection.
Close-up view of Alpine SwimSafe earplugs highlighting the blue acoustic filter designed for swimming ear protection.
Alpine SwimSafe earplugs in a red travel case, designed for easy storage and portability for swimming ear protection.
Close-up of a woman wearing Alpine SwimSafe earplugs, highlighting comfort and water protection for swimming activities.

Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞


Regular priceRM101.10
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Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞宣传横幅,文字为“舒适享受游泳”,展示适合游泳、冲浪和水上运动的耳塞。Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞信息图,突出独特滤芯技术、防水功能和可重复使用 100 次的特点。Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞信息图,展示超柔软 AlpineThermoShape 材质、防过敏和无硅设计的特点。

让 Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞为您带来舒适与保护,无论是游泳、洗澡还是其他涉水活动。这款耳塞专为防止水进入耳朵而设计,同时让您清晰听到周围声音,是水上活动的理想选择。


Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞有效阻挡水分进入耳朵,保持耳内干燥,防止不适。无论是在泳池、海边还是淋浴中,它都能为您的耳朵提供周全保护。




Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞具有 10dB 的轻度减噪功能,在保护耳朵的同时,确保您可以清晰听到周围环境音,非常适合社交或需要保持警觉的水上活动。


这款耳塞可重复使用长达 100 次,并配有便携收纳盒,方便存放。荣获国际知名的 Red Dot 设计大奖,Alpine SwimSafe 耳塞将品质与创新完美结合,为您提供优越表现。


  • 包装内容:1 对 SwimSafe 耳塞、1 个收纳盒
  • 尺寸:Ø 0.35 - 0.47 英寸
  • 重量:1.06 盎司
  • 颜色:白色/蓝色
  • 认证:ANSI | CE

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