Alpine Muffy Kids Earmuffs in green, designed for maximum hearing protection and improved concentration for children aged 5–16.
Close-up of Alpine Muffy Kids Earmuffs in green, showcasing the soft adjustable headband and ear cushions for optimal hearing protection and comfort.
Folded Alpine Muffy Kids Earmuffs in green, showcasing the compact design for easy storage and portability, ideal for children aged 5–16.
Close-up detail of Alpine Muffy Kids Earmuffs in green, highlighting the durable build, soft headband, and noise-reducing ear cups designed for children aged 5–16.
Two children wearing Alpine Muffy Kids Earmuffs in green and mint, providing noise protection and comfort for kids aged 5–16 during various activities.
Alpine Muffy Kids Earmuffs in green with included storage pouch, showcasing compact design and portability for children aged 5–16.

Alpine Muffy 儿童耳罩,绿色


Regular priceRM216.00
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保护孩子听力的 Alpine Muffy 儿童耳罩

Alpine Muffy 儿童耳罩专为 5 至 16 岁孩子设计,保护他们敏感的听力免受有害噪音的伤害。这款耳罩通过认证的25分贝降噪功能,有效屏蔽派对、游行、音乐会、烟花、赛车等嘈杂场合的噪音,还能帮助孩子在学校的嘈杂环境中提升专注力。


Muffy 儿童耳罩配有柔软可调节的头带和舒适的泡沫耳垫,为孩子提供贴合耳朵的舒适体验,伴随孩子成长。耐用且易于清洁的材质确保耳罩经久耐用,同时附赠的丝质 Protect & Go 收纳袋让存放和携带更加便捷。


通过 ANSI 和 CE 认证,这款耳罩提供经过验证的听力保护,减少听力受损的风险。无论是在嘈杂的场合还是需要安静专注时,Alpine Muffy 儿童耳罩都是保护孩子听力的值得信赖的选择。


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