Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport packaging, designed to enhance airflow by 76% for improved breathing during sports and daily activities.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport promoting 76% more airflow, ideal for enhanced breathing during cycling and athletic activities.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport enhances airflow by 76%, featuring extra grip for sports, easy application, and clinically proven effectiveness.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport for enhanced breathing, promoting relaxation and better airflow during physical activities and meditation.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport promoting enhanced breathing and endurance, ideal for runners and athletes seeking sustained performance.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport showing easy application steps and benefits, including 76% more airflow for improved breathing efficiency.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport illustrating size difference with an additional 5mm for optimal fit and comfort during use.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport back packaging detailing features, benefits, ISO certification, usage instructions, and safety precautions.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport in medium size, 1-pack, designed to enhance airflow by 76% for sports and daily activities.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport in small size, 1-pack, designed to enhance airflow by 76% for sports and daily activities.
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport in medium size, 2-pack, designed to maximize airflow by 76% for sports and daily activities.
Airmax 鼻扩张器运动款
Airmax Nasal Dilator Sport trial pack with two sizes for improved breathing during sports and daily activities.

Airmax 鼻扩张器运动款


Regular priceRM72.70
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提升你的表现与 Airmax 鼻扩张器运动款

解锁你的全部潜力,使用 Airmax 鼻扩张器运动款。这款专为运动员设计的创新工具打开你的鼻腔通道,让空气流动更加顺畅,增强氧气摄入,让你呼吸轻松,表现最佳。


  • 释放潜能:提升耐力、体力和整体运动表现。
  • 自由呼吸:体验畅通无阻的空气流动,告别口呼吸。
  • 保持状态:减少疲劳,降低心率,提升能量水平。
  • 舒适安全:运动专用设计配有内置倒钩,即使在高强度运动中也能保持贴合。
  • 可重复使用且卫生:在适当护理下可使用长达两个月,并附带便捷的储存盒。
  • 临床验证:由专家推荐,确保安全有效。


Airmax 运动款温和地扩张你的鼻腔通道,将空气流动量提升了 76.1% 。这种增强的氧气摄入为身体提供动力,帮助你突破极限,实现最佳表现。与鼻贴不同, Airmax 提供直接有效的呼吸改善方案。


无论你是经验丰富的专业运动员还是周末的运动爱好者, Airmax 运动款都是你的理想训练伙伴。在跑步、骑行和其他耐力运动中,感受明显的区别。


Airmax 鼻扩张器运动款提供两种尺寸:小号和中号。

  • 中号:适合约 80% 的用户,是最受欢迎的尺寸。
  • 小号:适合鼻腔较窄的用户。

不确定您的尺寸?试试 Airmax 试用包,其中包含小号和中号两种尺寸,帮助您找到最适合的尺寸。

准备好提升你的运动表现了吗?试试 Airmax 鼻扩张器运动款,体验无拘无束的呼吸力量。

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