Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs packaging, featuring music filters for safe listening, a soft fit, and reusable design for concerts and festivals.
Close-up of Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs featuring transparent acoustic filters for high-fidelity sound reduction and comfortable fit.
Macro close-up of Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs' acoustic filter, highlighting its transparent design for high-fidelity noise reduction.
Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs in a red travel case, featuring reusable noise-filtering design for concerts, festivals, and nightlife.
Woman wearing Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs, showcasing their discreet and comfortable fit for concerts, festivals, and nightlife protection.
Close-up of Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs in-ear, showing their discreet and secure fit for noise reduction at concerts and festivals.
Alpine PartyPlug Earplugs benefits infographic, highlighting 19dB noise reduction, comfortable fit, easy use, and award-winning design.

Alpine PartyPlug 耳塞


Regular priceRM101.10
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Alpine PartyPlug 耳塞宣传横幅,标语“安全享受音乐”,强调高品质音乐节听力保护。Alpine PartyPlug 耳塞信息图,展示特殊音乐滤音器、安全降噪和可重复使用功能,提升听力保护体验。Alpine 耳塞采用 AlpineThermoShape 材料制成,超柔软、防过敏、不含硅胶,提供舒适佩戴体验。

Alpine PartyPlug 耳塞 — 尽享音乐,守护听力

音乐节和演唱会的高分贝音乐会损害听力,甚至导致耳鸣。Alpine PartyPlug 耳塞专为音乐爱好者设计,有效降低噪音,同时保持音质清晰,让您尽情享受音乐,并轻松与朋友交流。不论是夜店、派对还是演唱会,它都能提供舒适、隐形、高效的听力保护,陪您度过每一个难忘的夜晚。


  • 预防听力损伤 — 降低音乐至安全音量,不影响音质。
  • 优质音乐滤音器(19dB SNR) — 有效削弱有害噪音,同时保持音乐和人声清晰。
  • 柔软舒适贴合 — 热塑性材料制成,自动贴合耳道,长时间佩戴无压力。
  • 隐形防过敏 — 不含硅胶,适合敏感肌肤,佩戴时几乎看不见。
  • 可重复使用,易清洁 — 用温水和肥皂轻松清洗,长期使用更经济。


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