Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplugs with packaging, featuring medium protection filters and a free pouch.
Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplugs with black carrying case and two soft white earplugs displayed on a beige background.
Close-up of Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplugs showing soft white filters and black grip on a neutral beige background.
Detailed close-up of Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplug showing black grip and soft white filter material.
Close-up of a person wearing Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplugs, showing a secure and comfortable fit in the ear canal.
Smiling man wearing Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplugs while holding a motorcycle helmet, highlighting comfort and protection.
Close-up of a person wearing a red Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplug, demonstrating a secure and precise fit in the ear.

Alpine MotoSafe Tour 耳塞


Regular priceRM103.90 MYR

骑行中享受宁静与安全,Alpine MotoSafe Tour 耳塞是热爱长途骑行与假日探险摩托车爱好者的最佳选择。这款耳塞能有效减少风噪保护听力,同时保留路面声音、导航提示、对讲机及引擎声音,让您时刻保持连接与安全感。采用 AlpineAcousticFilters™ 技术,平均降噪达 17 dB(SNR),助您舒适骑行,避免听力损伤。


  • 保护听力,告别风噪:长时间骑行可能会导致耳鸣及疲劳,MotoSafe Tour 耳塞通过减少风噪,保护听力,帮助您享受更轻松舒适的旅程。
  • 柔软舒适,头盔友好:由无硅材质制成,这款耳塞柔软贴合耳道,不会引起出汗、瘙痒或刺激,即使戴头盔一整天也能保持舒适,适合长时间佩戴。
  • 耐用可重复使用:可使用超过100次!简单清洗即可延长使用寿命,保持耳塞的降噪效果。


  • 1 × Alpine MotoSafe Tour 耳塞
  • 1 × 收纳袋
  • 1 × 取出工具


  • 尺寸:Ø 0.35 - 0.47 英寸
  • 颜色:白 / 黑
  • 认证:ANSI | CE认证

保护听力,享受舒适骑行。选择 Alpine MotoSafe Tour 耳塞,畅享每段旅程!

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