Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs packaging featuring high protection filters and a free pouch for motorcycle riders.
Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs with black storage pouch and removal aid.
Close-up of Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs showing white and red design.
Close-up of Alpine MotoSafe Race earplug filter showing red top and precision design.
Close-up of a man wearing Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs, highlighting the red design and snug fit in the ear.
Man putting on a helmet while wearing Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs, showcasing comfort and secure fit under a helmet.
Close-up of Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs fitted in a man's ear, highlighting secure fit and red design.

Alpine MotoSafe Race 耳塞


Regular priceRM103.70
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Alpine MotoSafe Race 耳塞:舒适保护每一次骑行

选择 Alpine MotoSafe Race 耳塞,享受高速公路和赛道骑行的极致体验,无论是开放式头盔还是长途骑行都适用。这款耳塞通过 AlpineAcousticFilters™ 有效降低有害的风噪,同时保持周围环境的声音清晰,包括引擎、导航、对讲机和交通声音。

  • 降低风噪,保持专注:保护您的听力,避免耳鸣困扰。在头盔下的强烈风噪可能导致疲劳和不适感。MotoSafe Race 耳塞最高可降低 20dB(SNR)的噪音,让您更专注、更安心地享受长时间骑行。
  • 柔软舒适,无硅胶刺激:采用柔软、防过敏的材料,耳塞可贴合耳道,不会引起瘙痒、出汗或刺激。符合人体工学的设计确保即使戴头盔也能舒适佩戴整天。
  • 耐用且可重复使用:MotoSafe Race 耳塞可重复使用超过 100 次。简单用温水和肥皂或 Alpine Clean 喷雾清洁即可,经济耐用,保持卓越性能。
  • 便携且易于存放:每套耳塞配备储存袋和取出辅助工具,方便随身携带,随时随地使用。


  • 降噪等级:20dB(SNR)
  • 材质:无硅胶、防过敏
  • 尺寸:Ø 0.35 - 0.47 英寸
  • 颜色:白色/红色
  • 认证:ANSI | CE


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